boutique soapmakers Go Native

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Tel +64 (9) 445 3549
PO Box 32-579 Devonport
Auckland New Zealand


Handmade with New Zealand virgin olive oil, organic coconut oil, organic palm shortening & castor oil for extra softness.  Perfumed with lavender essential oil.

soap for baby
Baby be calm and clean with essential oil of lavender. 120g

"My son who is almost 2 is an allergy baby who has suffered from dry, itchy eczema since birth. Ordinary soap brings him out in an instant violent red reaction, even soap residue on a towel causes sore and itchy skin and I have never been able to use shampoo on him. We have tried every hypoallergenic soap and cleansing bar I can find on the market but they have either aggravated his skin or brought out the eczema where there had been none.

Your soap, however, has done the opposite. The first time we used it the silky rich lather soothed his skin and over a period of 3 weeks the eczema cleared and his skin became soft and moisturised which it has never been. What is also great about it is that I can use it all over him even on his hair. It smells delicious and has made such a difference to bathtimes - thank you. -
Nicky W, Auckland

PS: You can also blow very impressive bubbles with it!
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